Alright! So I have decided to dedicate every Friday to tell you my obsession of the week. I have a very distinct personality trait where I get obsessed with things very easily (and this is both good AND bad). I just hop into these certain habits seemingly effortlessly and just keep doing them and doing them and doing them and...yeah, you guessed it: doing them. For example, I can stay on the exercise bandwagon VERY easily. It's just getting on it that sometimes is the hard part. Once I'm on, however, WATCH OUT. I'll try and get you to exercise with me almost all the time. Just ask my parents and my friends (who lately think I'm crazy for wanting to exercise outside of scheduled practice times). See? Told you. It's weird.
Therefore, every Friday, I am going to look back on my week and tell you what cool/crazy/weird/bad thing I was obsessed with. Maybe I can turn you on to something that is extremely cool! Or maybe I can deter you from something horrendous. Or maybe you will laugh. See? It's a win-win-win. You'll always win from my obsessions even if I don't!
Anywho, Obsession of the Week belongs to the newest Dave Matthew's Band CD! Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King. Holy Jesus this stuff is good! And I didn't even pick it up on purpose. Honestly, I saw a commercial on TV for the CD and was like, "Ok that's really weird--why would anyone name a CD like that? Def not buying it." I mean I value Dave just as much as the next person--he's good to listen to but I've never been to a concert and he's not my favorite artist; it's just some good and random chill music. So I didn't go out and buy the CD. My brother used to take my car all the time (without my permission, mind you) and put his CDs in there to listen to while he was driving. Well he must have forgotten to take this one out! Hahahaa how does it feel now, Baby Bro, to know that your beloved CD will most likely be worn out by the time I make it back for Christmas Break? Were all those times stealing my car for your little joy rides and hiding illegal things in my trunk only for the kids I was babysitting to find them and make me explain what THEY were doing in MY trunk worth losing this awesome CD? (Props for a movie my friends are shooting, kids, I swear. They aren't real. But let's just keep this our little secret. If you don't tell your mom you can be in the movie!)
So basically, this CD was a gift from God (and probably not my brother's carelessness as I aforementioned. Ha riiiight.) Anywho, I found myself listening to it every day as I drove to school, and practice, and wherever else. EVERY SINGLE TIME. I listened to it over and over and over again. I even listened to it on my run yesterday when I have about 6,000 other songs on my iPod. I know, don't tell me, Obsessed. You should really listen to a few of his songs on there, especially "Seven", "Why I Am", and "Funny the Way it Is". Goooood stuff.
Well I have to go now, because class starts at One. Yeah, I only have class today from 1-3. Be jealous; be very, very jealous. I would be jealous of me if I were you. Ha. Have a great extra-long weekend!
I think your obsessive tendencies are an inherited trait passed on by your father. You can thank him for that one.