Sunday, November 7, 2010

I'll probably find it AFTER I buy a replacement

This is a silly little story, but I'm going to share it anyway.

I have been looking for my eyebrow tweezers for over two weeks. TWO WEEKS. For two weeks, I have searched through my make-up bags, my desk, dresser, all the drawers in my bathroom, my closet, everywhere. Why, you ask, did I spend so much time looking for something that can easily be replaced for two dollars from your local Wal-mart? Well, it's two dollars, DUH! I'm not about to waste that cash.

Anyway, just as my forehead was beginning to resemble that of the caveman from the Geico car commercials, I decided that purchasing a replacement was necessary. I complained to my roommate, "You just watch; as soon as I buy those freaking tweezers, I'm going to find my old pair. I know it." So I decided having two pairs of tweezers was better than none at all and that I should buy a new pair so I could find my old one.

So I went to the grocery store today, scrutinized a few models of tweezers while comparing prices and structure (haha), and I finally bought a new set. Tweezing your eyebrows in the daylight is the best because it's natural light. Therefore, I got in my car and pulled over into the back corner of the Tom Thumb parking lot so no one could see me. It's kind of awkward when you make eye contact with someone watching you tweeze your eyebrows in your car. (Trust me, I know.)

I finish a some-what professional job and begin to think about where I am going to keep these tweezers so I don't lose them again. "I know! I'll put them in the center console so they'll always be in my car since I always tweeze my eyebrows in here anyway. Easy acce----shit."

I think I know where my tweezers are.

Sure enough, I open up my center console and there are my tweezers! I found them right after I bought a new pair just like I knew I would. A mere FIVE MINUTES after.

So where did I put my new tweezers? Well right next to my old ones, duh. That way I can tweeze my eyebrows in the car in broad daylight. And also so I can buy another pair of tweezers in a few weeks.

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