I don't care what it is. Need to read your e-mail? DO IT. Need to pay your bills? "But-ohh-they're-not-due-for-a-few-days." DO IT. Change your cat's litter box? (trust me, DO IT.) Need to catch up with an old friend? DO IT.
I just spent the last forty-five minutes walking home with a guy friend telling him about how he should have told the girl he liked that he liked her. And trying to help him "live in the moment."
All of this happened after I was at a party earlier and saw that one of my best friends called me. "But, oh, she called me a long time after I called her. And at 9:30 on a Friday night. So she's probably 'out' like me and busy and I'll call her tomorrow. No big deal. She won't answer anyway...just like she didn't answer earlier..."
If only I'd have called her back just then. Or answered.
Because had I stepped into the bathroom I was standing right next to and listened to the voicemail she had just left, then I would have known that she had a 3 and a 1/2 hour drive to St. Louis, Missouri ahead of her. And she was driving by herself. And she wished she'd had left earlier with other people. And I can hear it in her voice (even though it's 5 hours later) that she's really stressed. And she wants someone else to talk to. And I could have been that someone else had I not ignored the voicemail.
And IF ONLY I had answered the M***** F****ing phone. Or heard it ring.
Because that's the exact reason I called her in the first place. Not to hear about how 'great' college is. Or how much she absolutely loves her sorority.
It was to see what is really going on. How she's really feeling. What she's really doing (besides all of the absurd themed fraternity parties). I really do care about her and I want to be there for her. And our schedules are so messed up that it's virtually impossible to get ahold of eachother. Obviously...damn.
But I feel like I failed again. Even though I was trying so hard. And I wish I would have returned that voicemail. Because I would have gotten to hear her voice. And maybe make her feel better. Damn. It would have been better had I answered that phone call. Or heard my phone ring.
Because I would have known what was going on. And talked to her. And spent the last three hours making sure she was ok instead of dancing to the latest Usher song.
I feel like I failed. By not returning her call right then and there, I feel like I failed. But how could I have known? Perhaps it was just a mistake. And maybe (hopefully) something I'll learn from.
Live in the moment. Answer it right then and there. Never put it off.
Damn, this is gonna be hard to live up to.
There's a time and a place for everything, never look back and ask yourself "what if" You're an amazing friend and put so many people ahead of yourself and are one of the most caring and loving people I know, you're doing great love :)