It all started about 4 months ago when Avatar came out. Our teammate was so obsessed, she immediately planned an Avatar-themed birthday party for her 21st birthday. Her birthday is in August and she promptly sent out an invite in March. Just so we could pencil it into our calendars and would have absolutely no excuses as to why we didn't attend. Then, for the next few months, she sent out threatening e-mails AT LEAST once a week telling us that if we weren't at her Avatar party, we were as good as dead. She would have no mercy. Therefore, Bag Lady and I planned our outfits last spring. And she began growing her hair. It is now down to her lower back (almost butt) and was perfect as an avatar braid (which is what she had been "training" it for for a few months).
Finally, the day had arrived. At about 8:00pm yesterday, Bag Lady (roommate) and I started braiding our hair. We braided our entire heads. Then a friend of ours came over and we began painting ourselves blue. We painted our entire bodies blue. It took about 3 to 4 hours to get completely ready...and we had three other people helping us paint and get dressed. We hadn't even thought about the possibility of the paint staining our skin blue until a friend came back from using the restroom: "Uhh guys....I just tried washing my hands and...uh...they're still blue. I scrubbed them and I can't get the blue paint to come off of my hands." Bag Lady and I drop what we're doing, slowly raise our heads, and look at her with utter disbelief. I cannot speak. I can't utter a single word. Bag Lady, on the other hand, drops her head back in despair and wails, "I'M GONNA BE BLUE FOR THE REST OF MY LIIIIIIIIIIFE!!! NOOOOO I CAN'T DO THISSSSS!" I kinda start laughing because, hey, it would be pretty funny to walk into class Monday morning with a blue tint to your skin. It would definitely come off throughout the week and it would make a great conversation starter. Boy-I-sit-next-to: "So, what did you do this weekend?" Me: "I went to a blueberry patch and ate a bunch of blueberries. They were sooooo good." Then I would stare straight ahead and listen to the professor as Boy tries to figure out what exactly just happened.
Anyway, we figure that we're already blue so we might as well continue getting ready and deal with the whole being-blue-for-the-rest-of-our-lives-thing when the night is over.
We go to the party and immediately step into an acid trip from the 70s. Jimi Hendrix's "Purple Rain" is playing in the background and there are blacklights everywhere. Everything is glowing in the dark. The walls are covered with leaves and paintings of Pandora (the planet in the movie Avatar) and paper mached horses, plants, and flying things are set up around the room. Objects are hanging from the ceiling, I was stepping on unidentifiable objects, different colored drinks were being passed was nuts. It was fun.
Until the cops showed up. I wasn't nervous at all because I was a good girl that night and hadn't had a single drop to drink. They immediately ask for the owner of the apartment. She shows up to the front door looking like this:

Meet the birthday girl. She went all-out; didn't eat chocolate for over 2 weeks and worked out hardcore every day to don this. And is now talking to SIX cops while sipping on the drink in her hand.
They take one look inside the apartment and go, "Holy shit. What the hell is this?!" Apparently they had never seen Pandora before...but I'm pretty sure they've seen a druggie's house and this looked pretty close to that. So I was surprised at their shock.
They say that people in the apartment complex called 911 because they saw people walking around with guns. Well in the movie, there are army people who have huge guns. So some people bought fake guns and spray painted them black (thus painting over the orange tip that is indicative of fake guns). She convinced the cops that it was all in good fun and it was her 21st birthday party. They asked, "What in the world are you wearing?!" She replied with, "Well a loin cloth, of course," as if it was completely normal. Which it is...for her. She spun around so they could get the full effect and therefore mooned the 6 cops standing on her front porch. "Sorry," she says, "Inevitable wardrobe malfunction," and laughs. They start laughing and walk away saying, "Happy birthday, Lauren. Have a good night. And just hide the guns." "Ok, thanks for stopping by!"
Everyone inside can't believe how smoothly that all went down and Lauren does a victory fist pump in the air. Back to the party.
Later, I leave with Bag Lady and another friend. We are trying to figure out how to get the blue off of our skin without turning our bathroom blue. We resolve to trying to find a hose around our apartment complex. Finding no such hose, we use a fountain in one of the courtyards. We basically took a bath in that fountain. It was probably so dirty, but we didn't care. The blue came off relatively easy. The only downside is that it turned the fountain water blue. Hope the fountain is ok today....
Then I took another shower, changed into my pjs, and we watched the end of Forest Gump until we all drifted off into a Pandora dreamland.
See pictures below.

The horse from the movie. Made out of paper mache and chicken wire.

My amazing roommate who painted her body with me. Love you for this!

The group posing in my kitchen. From left to right. we have a cat, army people, two avatars, a Princess Lea, and a tree.

One of my best friends. Love her to death

Mail-ordered yellow contacts and fangs. Was also wearing a loin cloth. Also has feathers in her hair. Also made a bow and arrow out of string and sticks in her backyard. I'm almost convinced she was an Avatar in her previous life. Hope you had a great birthday!
Above: roommate linking in with the horse. If you've seen the movie, you know what this means.
Also, whenever we looked at ourselves in the mirror, we forgot we were Avatars and kind of got scared. Therefore, we kept saying, "Hide your kids, hide your wife," all night. This is from a you-tube video that's pretty funny. I uploaded it for your viewing pleasure. The star of the video has been interviewed on many late-night TV shows as a result of the video's popularity. And people also made it into an auto-tuned song, sold it on iTunes, and made over 1 millions dollars. That's also down there too. And just ignore the last half of the second video. I don't know what that's all about.