So today we went to Blenheim Palace. Obviously it's big and beautiful and I'm extremely jealous that I don't live here. Yes, that's right, people live here. The Duke and Duchess of Blenheim, to be exact. When you're looking at the picture above, they live in the left wing of the estate (their private quarters) and the right wing is turned into a museum. Imagine that: half of your house is a museum and you still have about 100-200 rooms to yourself. Yeah, this place has just under 300 rooms. Ridiculous. So we were given a tour of the inside, which boasts tapestries from the 1700s as well as original beds, including the one Winston Churchill was born in. There are a few rooms dedicated to showcasing his life as well. There is also exquisite furniture from France in the 1400s, numerous busts of past Dukes and Duchesses as well as many portraits. The place also holds many a scandal history! There were forced marriages (including families paying Dukes to turn their daughters into Duchesses...and the Dukes had to comply because they were living such an extravagant lifestyle that they ran out of money), divorces, mistresses, and love affairs. There is currently quite the drama going on right now: the would-be heir to this estate (the current Duke is 86) led such a life of gambling and drunkenness that he has been dis-inherited and the title will surpass him and go to his son. How terrible! But, I mean, come on. He had to know that was going to happen. You can't be given a title like "The Duke" if you're running your family name into the ground. What more incentive do you need to be a good little heir than to inherit an estate worth millions? I can't think of anything. Including the massive building behind you, there were also many gardens (including a secret garden), a lake and boathouse, a Grecian looking building, and many, many acres. My friends and I promised each other that if we ever became royalty, we would all invite each other over for dinner. I think I could deal with that.
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